Saturday, September 30, 2023

                                 Well members its nearly time to meet again

                               Next Saturday we will be meeting at the 

                              East Leagues Club

                              Main Ave , Cooparoo. at 12 pm until approx 3 pm.

                              Has Anyone Any ideas on where we can hold our 

                              Christmas Lunch?

                              Also we need to discus the 27 th November, 11 th Anniversary of the 

                                Queensland Forced Adoption Apology. 

                            Also will we meet on the 25 th October at Maple Lane to 

                            acknowledge infant &  baby loss day, like we did last year?

                             Also need to inform members of the up coming 

                           proposed incorporation  changes due in next year.

                            please call me for more information.


                           Just a reminder that everyone pays for 

                                 their own food & drinks.

                        looking forward to catching up with you all.. 

                take care

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