Saturday, March 23, 2019

                                                   Hi Everyone Thursday 6 th Anniversary

                                                   oh it was so hot & muggy  really oppressive
                                                The food was good  as usual.

                                          I did get chance to show all the interested  people
                                           my Governor General's Congratulation letters 

                                             there are so many  letters

                                            that i have put them in a folder,

                                        when  i told  Minister Di Farmer that i had got the OAM
                                        She was so excited She gave me 3 big hugs.
                                     I also got heaps of hugs & many meaningful words
                                    of congratulations from everyone standing near her.

                                    Their recognition made it feel so Proud.

                                   There was mention of the award by the mc.
                              My   phone has been busy  by people

                                Asking why was there no mention of the award?

                              Many people are expressing their disappointment, &
                             disgust,that the opportunity was missed

                           as this was the first time  since the award  that members

                         of the Adoption community were present at this major

                          Adoption event.This has left many people feeling that it was

                         Disrespectful,The excuse given caused me to  contact

                           The Governor Generals office for clarification
                       Where  i was  reassured that I was Officially

                      Awarded the Honor  of OAM on Australia Day's Honor list.

                     Saturday 26 th of January 2019, at 12 am.

                   my name was  placed on Governor Generals official web site.
                    Also  officially placed by the Governor General's department 

                      in the Newspapers.

                Thank you everyone for your support love & care.
                 From Patricia Large  OAM 



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