Thursday, August 23, 2012

Premier Cambell Newman announced in Parliament this Morning, Thursday 23rd August, Queensland will Apologise for Forced Adoption Practices.

This morning in Queensland, Premier Campbell Newman announced that Queensland would apologise for Forced Adoption practices.
The date has not been announced but will be given in the House.
Congratulations to Everyone. It will be indeed a day of celebration!!!!!
Brisbane Times have Premier Newman's speech on line now. Thursday 1.30pm


Glenda (Noon) Ainsworth said...

Woohoo, Congratulations Margaret and Trish on a job well done.

Anonymous said...

And you can speak for al mothers who were in church of england girls homes can you?
How about explaining how the church of england has further abused some mothers and has had no intention of such an apology which would MEAN NOTHING by the way.

YOU can't make such a claim on my behalf.

who do you think you are?
obviously something in it for you.