Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Your Invitation to commemorate the 1st Anniversary of the Queensland Apology.

1st Anniversary
Queensland Government’s Apology
For forced adoption policies and practices

Benevolent Society’s Post Adoption Support Queensland (PASQ), and the Queensland Post Adoption Working Committee, (Alas, Origins and Jigsaw) invite you to join us at The Brisbane City Hall to commemorate this important occasion.

A light morning tea will be served and music provided by Conservatorium of Music. We look forward to seeing you there.

Brisbane City Hall
Brisbane Room
64 Adelaide Street

Wednesday 27 November

10:30am—12:00 noon

Please RSVP Monday 18 November

07 3170 4600 or 1300 914 819

Or ring Trish; 0417 077 159 by 15th November to have bookings forwarded.

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