Sunday, November 15, 2009

Letter in Courier Mail 14th November 2009

This letter typifies the misguided concepts that were proliferated in the 60's and 70's and still exists today.

Hooray for the proposed national breast milk bank (C-M, November 13). When I was having my children (now in their late 30's) at the Royal Women's Hospital, single mothers were in a special veranda ward away from the other mothers, as they were all giving their babies away for adoption. After every feed we had to express our leftover milk for the babies who were being given away (hepatitis and AIDS were far from anyone's mind).
I am glad to see that babies will once again be given the best start in life they can get.

This is the response I have written to the Courier Mail. I hope they print it!

Over 30 years ago I was one of the mother's who "gave away" my baby for adoption.
The facts are, we did not give away our babies!They were taken.Our crime was, we were unmarried. Adoption signatures were taken under the influence of strong medication. Most mothers were under age and were kept in isolation in the "special veranda ward" away from "respectable Mothers".
While you were expressing breast milk for our babies, we were given drugs to dry up our milk and had our chest bound to suppress milk. We did not agree to this, in fact we were denied any contact with our babies to make sure adoption practices went ahead smoothly.
Our rights as a mother were violated. My baby was born at the Royal Brisbane Women's Hospital.
The Hospital has recognized the crimes relating to adoption and the never ending trauma mothers have to endure from the loss of their babies.
A public apology by the Royal Brisbane Women's Hospital in June 2009 was presented to mothers who were treated badly while in the care of their hospital.

So you can see that, while breast milk is good, natural mothers milk is best.



Anonymous said...

I also read this letter in the Courier-Mail. What a misguided & ill-informed woman is Hazel Hillier of Springwood who wrote this letter. Not only do we have to be grateful to the adoptive mothers of our stolen children, we now must pay homage to the dear ladies who donated their left-over breast generous of them. Mrs. Hillier seems to remember the details of her stay at the RBH.
very clearly & her contribution to the poor babies supposedly "given away" by their unmarried mothers.
Let us hope she was only blessed with one child, the one delivered at the RBH. What a shining example of motherhood, if she is into such trivia nearly 40 years on.
Should all we mothers send her a cheque for the milk she donated?

Anonymous said...

Anon. Very true. We had to make our own breast binders & never were we to handle our own babies.
I sat up to view my infant, only to be ' Pushed Back Down!'

Three days in bed, constipated & stiff on rising, then had to thank the lady who supplied the first milk for babe. I was is a trance state, probably drugged. My Mother came to visit , and thought I was bringing the Child Home...

The Public are still kept in igorance today.Those who party, & rage on have no Idea how easily they are being MANULIPATED