Triumphant trailblazers from ALAS receive the official apology from Professor Ian Jones, on behalf of the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital.
We are a group of mothers whose babies went to adoption, and adopted women. We are in different stages of reunions and some have vetos against them. ALAS was established in 1989. We meet on a monthly basis both on the Northside and Southside of Brisbane, Qld, Australia.
Congratulations - what a fantastic achievement. Real trailblazers you have started a 'wildfire' that has caught pubic attention and media interest all around Australia. You have made the nation aware of the terrible practices used on white, unwed, unsupported mothers to obtain their newborns for the ‘adoption industry.’ So on behalf of the Apology Alliance – a group that is working to make the nation aware that there is a White stolen generation and we need apologies from all State and Federal governments for our and our children’s healing - I thank you.
Thankyou for a tireless effort that has finally paid off by being recognised.
I feel truley grateful for your bravery how else would anyone have known that we suffered so much and still do.
I feel relieved to finally hear you have found support instead of condemnation.
We are women who have had to come out of a forced silence so huge that it has taken until we are grandmothers to find the courage to speak up and now finally to be heard.
I am so grateful to the Australians of the Black Stolen Generation who lead the way and fought so hard to change the way our nation thinks .
Now we are being heard also and our healing can also begin.
The pain of all of our pasts need to be realised
by ourselves and recognised by our nation.
In the last letter I received from my son (five years ago), he informed me that his adoptive parents had instilled in him a sense of joy and pride in regarding his origins. What irony (!), given that a tactic exactly the opposite to this was employed in procuring him for adoption!
I feel a sense of relief as I embark upon the formidable task of writing a personal account of my adoption experience, with all the common threads of involuntary relinquishment, for my son's illumination. I will certainly be making note of this apology, which should lend much credence to my account.
I am in spirit with you all.
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