Saturday, October 26, 2019

                                                  Our November meeting on the 9th

                                                    Start  at 12 pm til approx  4pm

                                                   EAST LEAGUES CLUB
                                                Main Avenue Corparoo.
                                         Much to talk  about.& looking forward to us 
                                             catching  up on the issues of life.
                                          As we are a non for profit group  we ask that 
                                          everyone pays for their own food & drinks.

                                          I have posted the Christmas Lunch invites,
                                         to the people i know i won't see before or
                                          at the next meeting.

                                           If for some reason you don't get yours
                                              please contact me on 0417077159

                                                 The Lunch is at
                                      The GOLDEN  OX  RESTAURANT
                                            Oxley Avenue, Margate.

                                           Saturday 7 th December 2019

                             Start 12 pm, this is a good time to let our hair down

                        & enjoy one another's  company while enjoying good food,
                           in  a relaxed atmosphere,
                      its the ideal time to  laugh at the silly jokes in the crackers
                         also we can  exchange Christmas cards with each other.

                      looking forward to seeing you all happy on the day.

                               for more information please contact me 0417077159.


                                             Hi everyone i have posted

                                         Your  INVITATIONS to the

                                         27th November 2019

                                       7th   ANNIVERSARY
                                     For  FORCED ADOPTION POLICIES and PRACTICES.

                                     at the  ADOPTION  MEMORIAL SITE,

                                             CITY VIEW SADDLE

                                 ROMA  STREET PARKLANDS.

                                         1 Parkland  Blvd,

                                             Brisbane City

                                        if you are Planning to come but

                                         have NOT Received an   INVITATION

                                        Please contact Trish on 0417077159 asap..

                                   as we need  RSVP'S by MONDAY 4TH November

                                             to    PASQ 0731704600 or



Sunday, October 6, 2019

                                            Just a friendly reminder that our next Meeting

                                      Is next  Monday 14th October 2019.Starting at 12 pm

                                                   At Four Mile Creek Hotel.
                                       Gympie Road,  Strathpine
                              opposite the big Shopping Centre,plenty of parking

                                  The meals are  good & very reasonably priced,

                                              they also have a coffee & cake deal.

                                   as we are a non for profit charity group, therefore
                          everyone is responsible for paying for their own food & drinks,

                           a gold coin donation would be appreciated to help with the
                             running costs of the group.

                             anyone affected by Adoption is welcome to join us
                                 we are a friendly non judge mental group.
                          The Adoption committee are busy planning

                       The 7 th anniversary Celebration on 27 th November,

                       if you would like an invitation  or more information,

                          please either come to this meeting or

                        contact Trish  0417077159, see you all on the 14th,