Wednesday, July 10, 2019

                                                             Hi everyone the ALAS July Meeting

                                                               is Saturday 20th  at 12 pm

                                                           Where at  East Leagues  Club

                                                          Main Avenue, Cooparoo
                                                I am back from my 10 days of house sitting

                                              the animals will be glad that their owners are home.
                                               it has been a good break watching Foxtel catching up
                                      on some good television shows, i may inquire to have it myself.

                                              My diary is crammed this next week.

                                                the planning has begun for the next anniversary
                                                the site will look different  this year.
                                               more like what was initially designed for the site.

                                    once again It is that time of year when the membership fees are due

                                               they are still only $20.00.

                                         as we are a non for profit group we rely on our Membership

                                           to keep the group functioning.
                                           for more information please phone Trish 0417077159.