Saturday, November 19, 2016

                                    Just     a    Reminder
                            On Sunday 27 th  November  2016

                         If anyone needs a Disabled  Parking Space

                           please phone me 0417077159  ASAP.

                           On the day the golf buggies will transport
                          you from the train  up the hill if you need it.


                        There is  plenty of car parking not to far to walk.

                        if anyone has any questions please phone me



                                    On the 27 th November  2016
                             The     4 th Anniversary of
                           The   QLD    FORCED  ADOPTION  APOLOGY

                          Next Sunday many people affected by the removal of the

                                      VETO  Penalties will be Celebrating,

                              we never really thought the day would come when that

                             Illegal  un- necessary  law would be removed.

                           It is like a ton weight has been lifted of their Shoulders.

                            We can all Breathe a huge sigh of Relief,

                            Freedom to be like everyone else affected by

                            Forced Adoption.

                          Now the Adoption Apologies can have   a deeper meaning

                           for every one.


                                              IN  QUEENSLAND  NOVEMBER 2016

                               Really good news the Veto law was changed,as from last week ,
                            There are no longer Fines or Jail time,if a person  breaks a Veto.
                                  If  you make contact
                                  & the other person does not  want  contact &
                                      they contact the department
                                       they  will be  advised

                               to apply for a  AVO  which means going to court

                              & telling a judge why they don't want contact.

                          This is the final part of the law changes i  started out  in 1968,

                       It is a strange feeling to know i can walk away from having to Battle,

                      Just for our own  Information from the Contact Register in 1987

                       til  our Information   laws changed in 1990, which saw most of us

                       pay $50.00 for our own information,which seemed to only get half of

                       access a page here & there, til in 2010 we finally changed laws again

                      that's when  Post  Adoption  support  Queensland   was formed by the

                      Labor Government,

                     We kept the lobbying going all along hoping we would get an end
                       TO THE VETO"S



                                               Hi Everyone, if anyone doesn't have their invitation to

                                           4 th Anniversary of the Forced Adoption Apology

                                                 Celebration,  Morning Tea
                                                 on 27th November 2016

                                                10.30 am  at

                                                Memorial Corner,
                                                Roma St Parklands

                                             1 Parklands Blvd,   Brisbane    City

                                           please phone Trish
                                               0417077159 asap

Thursday, November 3, 2016

                                           Hi Everyone   we have changed the next meeting to

                                             this Sat the  5 th November, at 12pm

                                             Four Mile Creek Hotel, Strathpine.

                                  I have very exciting news re Veto  Law reforms

                                        Also i should have invitations to

                                   4  th Anniversary Celebration of our

                                Forced Adoption Apology to be held

                                27 th November at Our Memorial Plaque Area
                                 in the Roma Street Parklands
                                                10.30  am  start,  til approx 12.30 pm
                                 R S V P by 15 th November,
                              Morning Tea will be provided  so its important !

                            Are you planning to come to the Xmas Lunch?

                             10 th December at The Golden Ox  12 pm,
                                    R S V P   & deposit required  by 6 th dec
                                  please call trish, for more information
