Thursday, May 5, 2016

                                   The May get together  will be on Sat 14 th

                                           Where?   East Leagues Club

                                                 Main  Avenue, Coorparoo  

                                 12 pm Lunch  &  Chat maybe stay for afternoon tea

                                 usual deal everyone pays for their own food & drink.

                                          Anyone affected by   Forced  Adoption

                                 are more than welcome to join us, bring a support friend if it's

                                 your first time of talking about Adoption, we are all at different stages

                                in our journey, I have been  a  co ordinator of 2  different  Adoption support                          
                               groups  the first was 1985, long before we got a the law changes which is
                               still on going. I was   Reunited in  1990, After we won the Right to our

                               Adoption Information & our files.  For more information
                                                     please phone trish 0417077159

                                   Hi,  everyone i trust you are all okay,
                                                         MAY 2016

                          on the 12 th of  this month it will be 4 years since we received
                                   The  Forced  Adoption Apology,
                                  from  The Sisters of Mercy
                            for women who were either at Wooloowin or

                       The Mater Mothers in  South Brisbane,
                          sadly we lost Bev a year ago
                             that' was  where she had Brad.

                      The  19 th    May  2009 is a very important day for ALAS

                             The Day Professor Ian Jones gave us the

                            Royal Brisbane & Woman's Hospital

                                Forced Adoption Apology

                    7 Years Ago were so thrilled to know we had been listened to

                    little did we know how that would change the attitude to Forced
                Australian  Adoption, so many other Adoption Apologies flowed on

              from that day, we will always hold Prof Jones & Noelle Cridland
               in high esteem, Thank you for changing our lives for the better.